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Code blocks

Keeping the snippets consistent with the theme

In my quest to do as little web-development as possible when making this site, I decided to just fork this base blog repo, and make some minor changes to the CSS to fit my needs (such as setting this lovely gruvbox-dark color-scheme). As it turns out, this base blog comes with the syntax highlighting plugin configured, which uses PrismJS to do syntax-highlighting on code snippets. It even comes with a few preset CSS themes. Now, none of those themes were gruvbox-dark, but no problem, I just copied the solarized theme and changed the colors to (mostly) match my neovim color-scheme. I think it turned out quite nicely:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	printf("Hello, World!");
fn main() {
	println!("Hello, World");
public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("Hello, World!");